Monday, June 18, 2007

Stuck inside today...trying to stay awake!It's around 94 already.I've been battling exhaustion and sugar surges.I haven't gotten to visit my Horsies much,early morning and at sunset. Now I've got mosquito bites everywhere..geesh..can't win!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

June 2007

I have been outta reach for a while.Have been diagnosed with diabete II and have have two heart stents put in in December 06.Now trying to get back at life a little. My horses were gone for the winter and boy was I depressed.My Daughter gave me a new one for Christmas.He is about two and a strawberry roan.Her boyfriend named him Wilbur.We recently cut two holes in a staw hat and put on his head,he didn't even care. Well...still batteling fatigue,sugar surges and....more later.