Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sleepless in Indiana

If you live on the eastern side of the united states today and you have fibromyalgia/CF or any other disease that is affected by the weather especially the barometer, your hurting.Your pain meds aren't working and you feel like that ole horse done bucked you off and dragged you down the field a ways,mind you, he bumped you over a few rocks on the way too. I have moaned and groaned all day.This is not my way either, as I would just as soon not have anyone know I'm feeling like this.I don't know about you ,but I try to keep myself occupied as much as possible.On days like this though it just seems impossible. Do you find yourself counting the minutes until you can take that next dose of meds,only to find it's hours away! Having friends stop by sometimes help,especially if they don't mind that you didn't vacuum today or you have a sink full of dishes.(it would be nice if they did them for you too,but now I've really smelled too much horse pucky) Just taking your mind off of yourself always helps no matter what the diversion is, whether it be movies or horses or what ever you like to do.Just lying around in bed doesn't cut it,cause lets face it,your brain just keeps right on going and the pain just gets worse.So ..get up,find something that interests you and get at it.Yeah...I know it's hard!!But do you want at least a little of your life back?? Last year I had had enough! I was tired.....really tired ,of all that comes with this horrific disease.My close friends knew as well as my family,especially my daughter. Thats why, I know she started to push the idea of looking for me a horse.I decided ...what the hell,my life was nothing but a big stress ball of chronic pain and sleepless nights anyway and I'll probaly not be around that much longer.I had just wanted to get my family out of the city and get them started on a better life before I died,so I had enough money I figured to get the horse and put up the fence.I trusted that God would help me with the rest.And he has! You should have seem me,I looked at Whiskey(real name Jesse James..thats why this place is named Outlaw Ridge)and everyone said ,he's the one to get,so I placed a deposit and that started the change in my life. Now I'm running around buying fence posts and electric controllers,learning about grasses and feeds.I got my family involved by just wanting two wood posts for the gate.....well that started it.It went from a two post gate to wood posts all along the road to hang my electric wire on.Now....not only am I changing,but so are my sons,they are getting involved in the Day of the horse! I hadn't done a whole lot these past years so I was just pushing it hard...,which is what you have to do.I was helping put in wood posts,running electric wire,cutting down sticker bushes,I looked like I had been in one serious cat fight. But,you know what!I was waking up with a smile on my face!Cause now I was finally fulfilling a life long dream....Getting me a horse. When we got him here and every one was gone,I stood out there in the field with that lil guy... and cried. This is the happiest I have been in a very, very long time.The world is a little easier now to deal with So...leave me be,I don't care what anybody thinks of what I do,or how I look.I sometimes go out in long johns,mud boots and an oversized barn coat and feed my guys.I have neighbors go by and I just smile an wave...I don't care! My sister in law got her a golf cart with a pink flamingo on the front that she takes her two little dogs,Grace (kelly)and Greta(garbo)for rides in her neighborhood.This is a high class neighborhood too!She don't care,it makes her happy! I think that's where you have to get in life in order to survive all the stress and pain ,especially if you are like me,one of the bad cases of fibromyalgia.Quit worrying about what this one thinks and that one,and just find what interest YOU.Then put your boots on,slowly of course,and lets see just what kind of stuff you can get into.For me it's "country parfume"(horse manure). It's almost 5 in the morning now,yea ,I'm up,been up since about 3 am ,can't sleep of course, and I've tried to watch movies but that gets old too.YOU KNOW ..what i'm waiting for....sunrise! Sitting at my table looking out the double windows at the pasture....waiting for my two guys to come from the woods or the barn,wherever they decided to spend the night .They will stroll up to the gate and look at the house....waiting for ME.I'll strap on my muddy ole rubber duckies ,throw on my denim barn coat and start yet another day...of the horse. coming soon..."Whiskey went a buckin" "The day Whinny stepped on me. "when Scout(my daughters colt)decided to kick me in the mouth"

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